Sunday, November 6, 2011

Sarasota Chalk Festival 2011

Today we went to the Chalk Festival and it was so cool!  We had never been, but always wish we had so this year we made a big effort to go.  We are so glad we did because it was amazing.  Here are some pictures from the festival.

Family Night

Thursday night John said he wanted to surprise us with a family night.  Every night for us is family night in a way, but this night we were doing something different and fun.  I didn't even know what John had planned!  We almost didn't go because John was afraid he wouldn't get off in time, but it all worked out.  When we got into the car John said we would be there in around 30 minutes so we were all trying to figure out where in the world we were going.  When we got into Ruskin the drive-in I have heard about, but never been to visit came to my mind, but I didn't say anything.  I wanted Oakley to be surprised and oh he was!  We very rarely watch television and in fact we are cancelling our cable next month because we do not watch it enough to out weigh the costs and we need to save every penny we can these days.  When we do watch a movie it is a big deal because it isn't something we do all the time and getting to watch a movie outside was even more awesome for Oakley.  We ordered pizza and watched the movie Puss and Boots.  It was very cute and clever having several nursery rhymes put together in one story.   Everything was very reasonably priced and the screen had a very nice picture.  It was my first time being at a drive-in theater as well!  Thank you John for the surprise family night!  We loved it!


This Little Light Of Mine

In Oakley's Science and Nature class his teacher, Mr. Doug, brought in several types of turtles.  Some of them were familiar  to us, but many of them we had never heard of.  Mr. Doug brought in a snake neck turtle that was very interesting and also some babies that Oakley really liked.  The one Oakley is holding in the picture below is a mud turtle.  Oakley is really enjoying his classes at the St. Pete Home-school Co-op.  I believe we will sign up for next semester as well.
   Something funny that I want to remember happened while we were at school.  When we got home and getting ready for bed I noticed that Oakley's amber necklace was missing.  I asked him where it was and he said he gave it to a boy on the playground and he put it in his pocket.  After he told me this he then started making up other places that the necklace was.  After we explained to him that it was not right to make up stories and to tell the truth he again told me that he gave it to a boy on the playground.  That he wanted to wear it so he shared it.  So I went onto facebook and asked on the school page if anyone had found an amber necklace in there son's pocket and sure enough the son's mother wrote back that she had Oakley's amber necklace.  I was thankful we found it.
    Having Baron in class with Oakley has been a bit challenging for me lately.  He wants to walk around and get into everything.  The science class is usually okay since it is early and he is just waking up (he usually sleeps on the way there), but the Waldorf inspired art and handwork class he is usually tired and hard to keep happy so the teacher told me that it would be okay for me to take him out of the class with me and she would help Oakley.  I could peep in through the window outside and watch Oakley.  He was very good and I feel he actually does better when I'm not in there.  He likes Mrs. Yarrow and likes to be independent and do it himself.  They made lanterns for upcoming Martinmas Lantern Festival.  In our community we are going to have a lantern walk and Oakley will be able to bring his that he actually made. Martinmas is a festival that is explained here:
           Each November we have a Lantern Walk to celebrate Martinmas, a festival of inner light in the outer darkness of the approaching winter. St Martin was a soldier in Rome in the 4th century. Legend says that
lantern-walk-2007-savannah-berry-2nd-grade.jpg one wintry night he met a poor beggar, half-naked and freezing. Martin removed the heavy military cloak from his shoulders and, drawing his sword, cut it in two, and gave half to the beggar. That night, Christ appeared to Martin in a dream, wrapped in the same piece of cloak Martin had given the beggar, and said: “Martin has covered me with this garment.” Martin became the patron saint of beggars, drunks and outcasts, dedicating his life to assisting pariahs. Celebrating Martinmas serves as a reminder that each of us has a divine spark that we must ferry out into the world and share with others. The children hear the story of St. Martin, sing songs and, as darkness falls, venture out into the night with their lanterns walking along a path lit with glowing luminaries, carefully carrying their lanterns in a mood of quiet reverence. This symbolic act brings home the deeper truth, in the words of Siddhartha Gautama, the founder of Buddhism (563-483 B.C.): “There isn’t enough darkness in all the world to snuff out the light of one little candle.”      St. Martins Day or Martinmas will be this upcoming Friday.  We may make another lantern for fun, bake some apple bread to give away, and share the story and learn some songs.  Here is a blog sharing there festivities during Martinmas.  My goal is to explain to Oakley to be like St. Martin.  We are not Buddhist, but believers of Christ.  So I am going to interpret this teaching in a way that he can learn more about Jesus' love for us.  Explaining to him that darkness in this world cannot snuff the light of one little candle which can symbolize the love from Jesus our Savior.  We will sing "This Little Light of Mine" and explain to him how we all need to let our light shine for the Lord.  It may seem a little over his head, but a seed will be planted and we will continue to nurture and help these little seeds of faith grow.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Random Thoughts About Our Week

Wow, I cannot believe it is Friday.  The weeks go by so fast.  It's funny since John is working later than usual most days sometimes the day seems to never end waiting on him to get home, but then when Friday gets here it seems as if it was just Monday.  Does that make any sense?  Anyway, this week like most weeks we have done a lot and have had a lot of fun.  I have been in the mood to fallinize (Yes, I made this word up) my house and yard.  I haven't made much progress, but excited to do some things with the boys to make it feel more like fall around here (which is my favorite time of year).  When I was planning our meals for the week I wanted to choose fall recipes to get the aroma of apples, pumpkins, butternut squash, and cinnamon in our home.  These aromas are so delightful!   We also have been cleaning up the yard since the weather is finally cool enough to work and not die of heat stroke.  The boys have enjoyed being outside more and getting there toes and fingers in the earth.  That is how is should be, in my opinion. :)  Tomorrow we are going to attempt to make our first scarecrow for our front yard and start cleaning up the back yard.  Things grow like crazy here, especially during the summer.  We have a lot of cutting back and cleaning out to do.  My motivation is to have a nice place for the boys to play and maybe for Christmas if we save up enough money we can buy the boys a used swing set.  We will see.  Since we had a week off from our home school co-op this week we took the time to plant some strawberries in our Earth Box. Mr. Blake the inventor of the Earth Box lives and works in Ellenton which is only about 20 minutes from where we live.  I took Oakley there when he was around Baron's age and bought our first box. We have grown red peppers, kale, and basil.  After Baron was born we haven't done much with it, but now we are ready to grow some strawberries.  I can't wait for Oakley to pick his first strawberry that he grows and eat it!  

  Baron fell pretty hard this week and hit his head right smack in the middle of his forehead.  I wasn't in the room when it happened and didn't notice it until I laid down to nurse him to help calm him down and saw this huge bump growing in the middle of his forehead.  It is healing well with ice application at first and now Arnica Montana orally and topically.  It was funny because after he hurt himself and calmed down he went into the playroom to play with Oakley and put the hard hat on.  I took a picture to share.  Its like he knows he better wear this around for a while until he is walking more stable.

       Fridays are always fun, but busy days for us.  We spent the morning with John since he was closing and not going into work until 12 then went to the Children's Garden.  After the Children's Garden John called while we were leaving and asked if we wanted to stop by his work and see his new office.  Of course, we said yes since it seems we barely get to see him with his new schedule working later.  We had a nice visit while Baron napped in the sling.  Baron woke up right before we left and happy to see his daddy.  Then we went to the grocery store to do our shopping for the week.  We were at the store for 2 hours!!!!  It was getting very challenging for me to keep the boys happy while I shopped.  I did everything I could think of to keep them happy.  We played eye spy for a while then  Then Oakley helped me find groceries and then he drew on a pad of paper for a while.  I didn't think we were ever going to get it done.  Baron was on my back a content for a while, but then he got hungry so I swung him around and wore him on the front while he nursed.  I was able to discretely nurse him in the sling and shop for a while, but then he wanted to get down and walk.  Well, that couldn't happen because I can't push a cart, entertain a 3.5 year old, and keep a learning to walk 15 month old from pulling everything off the shelves!  Then God gave me a song from a heart to hum.  For some reason it was one my of favorites, "It is well."  As things started to get more and more challenging I found myself humming louder and louder.  Then I had to stop because unfortunately God did not bless me with pretty vocals.  Even for just humming.  LOL!  I can't keep a tune for nothing!  I laughed thinking about how a simple trip to the grocery store can be so challenging at times.  Then I ask myself how would I do this with more kids?  How do people do it?  Our hearts desire more children, but man I can hardly control two!  I could have gone tomorrow while John stayed home with the boys, but I rather do it before the weekend so we can enjoy family time at home and not spend time at the grocery store.  What are your tips on grocery shopping with kids?  I was thinking of going first thing in the morning before the boys wake if John is home, but that is  when I do my bible study.  Hmmm...any suggestions are welcomed, please. :)

Oakley after a long and eventful day.

    I hope you have a wonderful weekend with those you love.  Good night and God Bless.

Friday, October 7, 2011

I'm a Cheetah

Last night when I was cooking supper I had Oakley coloring at the kitchen table.  I thought something was up when he had snuck out into his playroom and was very quite for just a few minutes.  I asked him to come here and he screams, "Mom, I'm a Cheetah!".  Thank God they were washable.  lol

In Our Home

In Our Home

We do second chances
We say prayers
We do I'm sorrys
We play hard
We do loud really well
We give hugs
We do love

We Are Family

Thursday, October 6, 2011

One Year Ago Today

As I was posting the last post I ran across this picture of the boys and noticed it was one year ago from today.  It seems like it was yesterday. As I stare into there eyes in this picture I think of several things.  The curls are gone.  The amber necklace has broken (soon to be replaced).  The toothless smile is now full of ten teeth.  The content on my back and smiling baby boy is now on the run.  I can do it myself is heard more than "Mom, will you help me."  Oakley sleeping all by himself and happily going to bed alone.  Asking to go to school and play dates without mom at friends houses without any tears.  The fourth and second year approaches.  Please, oh please let me be still in the moment and endure it all.  I pray that I can take it all in and enjoy what really matters. . . .Help me guide them as they grow and teach them by example.  Help me to be authentic, Lord.